All Nelson Mobile Computer Repair services include our 1 year Trouble Free Warranty! Let us help you with:
- Computer repair and maintenance
- Build and/or set up your new computer
- Networking (centrally connecting your devices to the Internet, printers, and more)
- Internet and computer security – anti-virus, anti-theft, protect your information
- Small business and work-from-home computer and technology set-up
- Install and troubleshoot Internet routers and devices
- Repair and upgrade video game controllers – fix “stick drift,” upgrade “skins,” etc.
- Repair and upgrade video game systems
- Optimize computers for gaming, CAD drafting, and other high-performance needs
- Troubleshoot peripheral devices including printers, cameras, microphones, joysticks, game controllers, headsets, etc.
- All repairs include our 1 year Trouble-Free Warranty.
- Trouble-Free Technology service package – a low monthly fee covers most ongoing repairs, maintenance, and upgrades.
$57 per 30 minutes
$25 travel fee
Minimum 30 minute fee per visit
FREE 1 year Trouble-Free Warranty
Fees for replacement/upgrade parts vary depending on items needed. Contact our team for details.